Friday 12 October 2012

Brace yourselves the posts are coming!

Start a blog they said, it will be fun they said! Well, we will see how fun it will be in the end. However, this blog should reflect how the climate and climate change are perceived in UK and also in other places in Europe, that are differently developed economically and culturally. Thus it will be quite challenging but it will work after all.

So my first post will be about how I perceived ‘the Island’ and how on the continent things are quite different. Hope you will enjoy it and you will not be so harsh on me. :D

Continental why’s:
  • Why are not there any switches in houses and you should use a wire to turn on the light?
  • Why are there two water taps instead of one so you can adjust the water temperature?
  • Why should you walk on left and not on right?
  • Why do people enjoy standing in queue?
  • Why is beer so expensive?
  • Why do not people talk all the time about the Queen?
  • Why aren’t the streets crowded with punkers?
  • Why does everyone enjoy the rain and the people who use umbrellas are mostly from overseas?
  • Why are not all the cabs black?
  • And where did the red old telephone cabins disappear?

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